A Hike in
the Forêt marine
nature trail
Up for a good 4 km hike (one way) through the forest to the music of the river?
The Forêt marine/La Seigneurie trail gives hikers an unparalleled view of Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive. With its unique vista of the river and Isle-aux-Coudres, it is one of the most beautiful trails in Charlevoix.
You’ll cross wooden footbridges and arched bridges, then climb steps to observe a waterfall, a dam and a deep canyon. Several lookouts with scenic views are good places for picnics. With a 300-metre elevation gain, you’ll want to be wearing good walking shoes.
Did you know that our marine forest was once the source of the ligneous material used to build wooden schooners?

(8 km round trip)
Elevation gain
310 metres
2 to 3 hours
Children (17 and under): free
Admission fees help fund
trail maintenance. Thank you!
- Four-season trail
- Not maintained or monitored from Thanksgiving to mid-May
- Blue and white markers
- Museum parking lot
- Trailhead: across from the Museum, next to Papeterie Saint-Gilles
- Leashed dogs are allowed